Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How do I get a Fireguard License in NYC

A fireguard is like a security guard but as a fireguard you have to keep an eye out for things that can be a fire hazard. A security Guard deters crime a fireguard deters fires

To become a fireguard in New York City you have to be currently employed. This is how you will determine what type of fireguard License you will pursue.

You can get a FREE study guide by going to http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/c_of_f/cof_study_materials.shtml

Ask your supervisor which one would be required.

You can take a preparation class but its  not required by the state and is cheaper to just study the guide on your own.

The cost of the license is $25 but before you go to take the test at 9 Metrotech Plaza in Brooklyn you need a letter of recommendation from your job on the companies letter head that you bring with you.

good luck

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